When was the last time that you put technology down and just enjoyed living. Real life living. Watching the squirrels in the tree, feeling the wind, or observe your surroundings. It seems that I've lost site of things that I once use to enjoy. I love technology, don't get me wrong, but there is no reason that we, I, should be so consumed in it that we forget to live. I've decided to start making a point to actually live and feel alive. I know out of habit it might take a while to actually stop checking my phone every five seconds, but this weekend was good. I did check my phone, but not half as much as I normally do. I actually got a lot of things I wanted to do done, and I had a great weekend. My sweet hubby and I painted a door that we have been wanting to paint. (one out of a few down :p ) I sat on the porch and actually really watched a squirrel. I sat outside and admired nature, and how the leaves are beginning to change to welcome fall. I noticed and paid attention to the small things I spent time with family, we cleaned the house, I filmed part of my after house tour that I kept meaning to get to. I enjoyed just being alive. I know it may sound odd, but it's true. I'm generally a happy person, but I've kind of been dealing with ups and downs in mood, I guess the stage of life I"m in, so many changes, and sometimes I feel like there is no point to do things, or I don't even know what to do other than things dealing with technology because that's all I've been doing for the past while. When I was younger I could enjoy my day without being online (even though I spent a lot of time online). So I've kind of been on a quest for finding how to enjoy my days without my phone in my face. I know it's a process, but this has been a great step this weekend. I had a lot of joy, and I wouldn't be able to do that with out God. I've also been seeking to feel closer to him lately because I've kinda drifted a way. (not in a go crazy way, but just busy way) That's not an excuse though, that should be my top priority, and I have been doing much better with that. I believe, even in this shortness of time, I've already gotten closer again. That's where my true joy comes from. I also think that he has given me the desire to feel more alive, and that is why I decided to go on my quest. He has helped me live a more lively life while seeking him. I hope to only grow closer and closer that I ever have been before. I've really been wanting to go on a trip where I can hike, be in nature, and just be still and experience God's beauty. Hopefully we will be able to do that very soon!

Have an awesome fabulous day!
XOXO Danni
(This was the weekend of 10/18/14 :-) )
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